μTorrent v2.0 Build 16222 Beta 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(BT用戶端程式軟體)
Changes in Version 2.0 Beta (build 16222), 2009-08-20:
- Feature: Added versioned help files.
- Fix: Setup guide fixes
- Fix: installer with UAC
- Fix: Allow UDP trackers in the first tier when creating torrents
- Fix: UDP Tracker retries three times instead of two
- Fix: potential crash in installer
- Fix: Crashes when removing labels
- Fix: selection of labels over 256 characters in length
- Fix: multiple HTTP download crashes
- Fix: http seed fix for multifile torrents
- Fix: uTP connections that are upload rate limited will not have their
window size grow indefinitely
- Fix: Vista and Windows 7 FW rules are created for all profiles
μTorrent v2.0 Build 16546 Beta 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(BT用戶端程式軟體)
uTorrent v3.0 Build 25229 Beta 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(下載速度快、佔用系統資源少、功能完整的高效能 BT 軟體)
μTorrent v3.1.3 Build 27206 Stable 繁體中文正式版(BT 軟體)
μTorrent v2.2 Build 23071 - Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(BT 軟體)
μTorrent v2.0 Build 17624 RC1/ 2.1/ 1.8.5 繁/簡體中文/英文正式版(BT用戶端程式軟體)
Internet Download Manager v6.02 Beta 3 繁體/簡體/英文正式版(提升你的下載速度最多達5倍軟體)
uTorrent v2.0 Build 17920 RC5 繁體/簡體/中文/英文正式版(BT用戶端程式軟體)